Our ERASMUS accredited Objectives
1. The Friedensburg-Oberschule aims to further extend international partnerships all around the world and reinforce its standing as the largest public bilingual European school in Berlin.
In extending our partnerships, we wish to learn about how other schools around the world tackle topics such as digitalisation, inclusion and environmental issues. We could use the experience and best practice examples other of schools to facilitate and speed up the process of implementation in our schools. The best practice projects are presented to our teaching staff, students' and representatives and adjusted to our school's needs.
We have developed an evaluation and assessment of the progress of all our Erasmus projects and activities. This is very transparent and includes written and oral feedback from the students, parents and teachers involved and also from outsiders. The oral feedback done in our regular meetings by means of discussions and conversations with the people varying the project. The written feedback is achieved by means of surveys and questionnaires available online.
2. The appropriate implementation of digitalisation at Friedensburg-Oberschule
We have implemented the itslearning platform since august 2020 in all our classes. Students and teachers are offered media fitness regularly in order to improve their digital skills. Many teachers have gathered the know-how and the school owns the devices needed for the digital teaching and learning. Still there are some students and teachers who still need support in order to use the advantages of the educational digitalization at their fullest. Besides we are currently part of the Digital Pact and expect to improve the quality of the digitalized teaching and learning at school. Also, we have started an Erasmus K229 project, in which we deal with different aspects of the digital education in different countries. Finally, after our school has been equipped adequately, we will focus on the qualitative use of digitalization and create a data base and a raw sample course for each courses, which will facilitate the planed collaborative project teaching. We expect the complete digitalization of our school to be finished by 2026.
3. The implementation of project teaching and learning, focusing on the protection of the environment.
Our school has been working on a plan of implementation of teaching by of teaching by means of projects as collaboration between different subjects. We have created a document comprising all topics taught in all years in each semester and tried to match subjects together. We are slowly starting with projects between music and English and social studies and English in year 8 and will be extending it to more subjects and years. Therefore, we are looking forward to learn from the best practice other partner school have with it. Besides, our school wishes to do more projects on environmental protection. We have already had a few small project on urban gardening for example and worked with local organizations. Summed up, we intend to expand our projects generally and focus on the environment more.
We wish to have achieved project teaching in at least three years and three subjects by 2026. Since we are only at the beginning of the process, we expect to implement the planned projects in science, music and English and afterwards to expand it to more subjects. In terms of the environmental protection projects, we aim to start creating an environmental protection team at school in charge of gathering ideas, exchanging information on best practice experiences and planning the first projects.