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Welcome to Erasmus+ DIGINAME

School Exchange Partnerships (KA229)

Our project focusses on the importance of modern media in the daily life of our youngsters. We often believe that they are digitally well-informed and tech-savy but they are frequently unaware of the many dangers that exist online and do not question contact their sources of information. With this project we want to help our students acquire tools to surf the online world in a safer and more conscious way.Our project includes 5 schools from 5 different countries. We intend to have online meetings with our partners to plan our work strategies and cooperate in the development of our activities. Students will get in contact with each other through eTwinning and work together there and on other online platforms. While sharing all our knowledge and different good practices, we will use methods and techniques that involve active participation and collaborative work, such as surveys, data analysis, workshops, research and solution-oriented activities. Moreover, we expect to raise the consciousness of our students on the need to develop their critical thinking and lead them to take responsible action so as to become more active and better-informed citizens.  We will show our activities and results on the eTwinning pages that will be visible to everybody, on the project websites that we will create, on the existing pages of each partner school, local media, Facebook and Instagram.

Communicating, living, learning and taking part in society in a changing and developing world with the advancement of technology will only be possible with digital citizens who are more critical. Therefore, we are interested in the influence of modern (digital) media and media literacy on different schools and countries, which is indispensable in the digital world with our DIGINAME project. Modern media has become increasingly important in our daily lives, in our school life and in the business world. Our project, in general, focuses not on opportunities but also on the dangers of modern media and digital natives (digital natives > 1980) and digital immigrants (digital immigrants < 1980).

We will bear in mind that today’s students (digital natives) are both consumers and producers on the Internet. And we will handle students’ daily lives and experiences as our starting point and focus on social, cultural and critical thinking.

Digital entertainment and social networks make students become more passive, have difficulty expressing themselves, and make them feel inadequate. And this psychological state constitutes a lack of self-confidence and critical thinking. For this reason, the younger generation is unconscious and uncritical about the credibility of modern media elements.

We do not want our students to be passive spectators; we want them to be active thinkers and to analyze and question the world. This problem is also common in our partner schools. Therefore, it is one of our special aims to educate our students on critical thinking and media literacy, and to guide them to become more intrusive individuals in our schools and communities. Modern media, on the other hand, has the potential to encourage students to find new ways of participation. Since modern media connects people around the world, it can help overcome prejudices

and barriers between countries.

Our Objectives

For students:

1-Encouraging critical thinking and creativity to develop through digital media

2-Motivating to participate in political process and be involved in the decision-making process

3-Creating opportunities for acquiring digital and language skills and using ICT technologies

4-Self-confidence and entrepreneurship with modern communication tools

5-Overcoming prejudices between countries and assuring being tolerant by means of modern media

6-Creating awareness about the dangers of modern media

For teachers:

1-Acquiring knowledge, experience and strategies related to the subject of the project

2-EU awareness, cultural interaction

3-Improving language proficiency and entrepreneurship

For schools:

1-Improving the educational outcomes of young people at risk of failure due to lack of skills, trust and commitment

2-Training active citizens

3-Being a model school about the use of electronic devices and digital media

4-Enhancing institutional capacity through transnational cooperation

Our project includes 5 schools from 5 different countries and some of them are our eTwinning partners. All teachers in our schools and all

students between the ages of 14-18 are the participating candidates. Our project includes 1 LTT for teachers and 5 LTTs for students.

In the long run:

Cooperation between schools will strengthen European profile and create a European identity between students and teachers. The project will provide opportunities for individual student and teacher exchange. Students will become more aware of their role as European citizens and their

chances of a future working life in the European context.

In addition to the 24 October 2012 European Parliament ‘Digital Agenda for Europe’, our project aims to contribute to the objectives of digital literacy and skills advice, especially the use of ICT and digital media by young people, development of ICT technologies and critical thinking, ebusiness and innovation skills.


School Exchange Partnerships


Portugal Contact

Escola Secundária da Lixa (Sede)

Rua Prof. Alberto Teixeira Douro, nº 65 – 4615-653 Lixa

Turkey Contact

Tarsus Teknik ve Endüstri Meslek Lisesi, İsmet Paşa Mah. Rasim Dokur Cd. No: 9 Tarsus, Mersin

Germany Contact


Sweden Contact

Jensen Gymnasium